Sunday, April 8, 2012

PPS,Part II: Shades of Pinky.

First of all,Happy Easter to everyone!!
I hope that you spend it with the people you love,and remember the true meaning.
I am so thankful for my Savior,Jesus Christ,and for all the personal sacrifices He has made for me. It's truly incredible to reflect upon the selfless way He lives. I am ever so grateful!


Thanks for reading my "Power of the Pencil Skirt" series!
Today I wore a secretary blouse and tucked it into my bright pinkish/purpleish skirt,then added maroon tights to tone it down.

This is easily one of my most favorite shirts.
Thrifted,for four dollas. HOLLA!

You can't see them well,but I added the seafoam green earrings for a dash of spice. mmm honeyy.

Shirt: Thrifted
Skirt: Target
Tights: DSW,$1
Shoes: Ebay

Have the most blessed day!

Rachel Sayumi.


Elisha said...

$4?! No wayyyy!!!

Bekah said...

LOVE the top! I'm a hug fan of blouses with bows as opposed to collars. Mixes it up a bit :)

The Adventurer said...

Girl way to thrift on that one! Secretary blouse = to die for! I love it and this outfit is super cute!

Jersey Blogess said...

so cute and fun!

Katia said...

Cutest outfit! I love that blouse, and paired with that pop of pink it's extra lovely!

Loving your blog, I'm following now!

Happy Easter!

Unknown said...

I tried looking for these skirts at Target and couldn't find them! It might be because after you wore it so cute all the girls following you went and bought them all out!
And thank you so much for the comment on my blog :) I love you and your blog, and you are mega creative! When I have bloggy friends like you, it makes things better :)

Anonymous said...

Great top...gotta love the thrift store! I like how you've got the loafers to balance out the girliness of the outfit!

Megan, said...

Looooove that blouse!

Kerri said...

Cute outfit! The top was a great find.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Those oxfords are adorable! Thanks for joining the Monday Mingle fun!

memory said...

The. New. Blog. Look. HOLLA!

Loving the colored pencil skirt. I was just randomly thinking today how boring my winter wardrobe is and how I would love it if I had more cute skirts (like my fav.. pencil skirts) that were bright and cherry. I was also thinking how glad I was spring was here! You're cute.


Deb said...

love this one. the shirt with the shoes with the bright skirt? brilliant.

Meagan said...

This is a seriously great outfit. I love the skirt and blouse together! Thanks for linking up with Thursdays are for Thrifters!

Bailey Bee said...

you are the cutest girl eva.
and my friend Wesley likes your shoes...haha every boy in the world likes those bad boys : )

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