Sunday, January 20, 2013

story of the sparkly skirt.

once upon a time, there was a girl. her name was rachel. she loved loved loooved pretty clothes, and things that sparkle. she had a sweet friend who was about to take engagement photos with her fiance. she wanted advice on what to wear (yes, ellee i'm talkin bout you!). she called rachel. they hung out together after class- made dinner together, and looked through ellee's closet to find some cute outfits for ellee's engagement photos.

ellee had a lot of beautiful clothes. rachel loved them. however, when ellee pulled out a beautiful downeast sparkly cream colored floral skirt, rachel's jaw dropped. it was the most beautiful skirt ever. she secretly envied it. ellee looked gorgeous in it. as soon as rachel got home that night, she went online to look for it. no luck. she even checked ebay. she was a little obsessed.

rachel never really forgot about the skirt. after all, she had fallen in love with it.
fast forward twelve months.
she sees her bloggy friend sara wearing the exact same skirt. rachel's jaw drops again. sara said she thrifted it. rachel is very proud of sara, and has a little case of closet envy. but of course, she is happy for sara's thrifted perfection.

a few days later, rachel wanders into forever21, one of her very favorite stores. she is just browsing, and happens to find a skirt EXTREMELY SIMILAR TO THAT BEAUTIFUL SKIRT SHE HAS BEEN WISHING FOR. her jaw drops. yet again. she runs over to it, and checks the price tag. it reads $20. she tries it on. she loves it. but she doesn't want to spend $20 on a skirt. she decides to give it a couple days. she leaves the store.

a couple days after that, rachel's cute husband worked many hours on a saturday. rachel was very bored without him. she decides to go back to forever21 after running some errands. she can't find the pretty skirt. she is bummed. rachel asked a store associate what happened to it.

then it- oh, it was a miracle! the nice store lady tells rachel it's been marked down. she shows rachel where they are. TEN DOLLARS! rachel is very happy. she finds her size, and takes it to the register. the sales person ringing her up then tells rachel that the skirt should be an additional 50% off. the nice cash register worker calls the manager and asks about it. the manager then marked the skirt down to FIVE DOLLARS. rachel's jaw dropped AGAIN.... and she was so excited to be able to buy a beautiful skirt. i mean come on, you can't even make a skirt for that cheap if you get good fabric and a zipper...........

cardi, necklace, skirt: forever21.
booties: target.

rachel then goes and buys her cute husband his favorite krispy kreme donuts so he won't be mad at her for buying more clothes... (just kidding, she actually bought it as dessert for their double date that night.. but still. ha).

the end.

ps: rachel doesn't know why her hair has been looking red recently. she is asian.......
pps: rachel is now done blogging in the third person. ok. bye.



Anonymous said...

You look fabulous.

Maggie said...

I loved that story! You always have the best outfits! :]

Anonymous said...

Cute girly outfit, you look very pretty :D! RoRos World

Kirsten Wiemer said...

hahahaha. you are too cute.
love this story. seriously you are the best.
and that skirt is great.
also, your hair may be looking red from the snow.
sun reflecting from the snow to your hair...
just a thought.
also lets hang out soon, mk?


Natalie said...

haha i love you too much. the fashion gods have smiled upon you!

Sara SHOEmaker said...

ohhh here's the skirt! THE skirt you were telling me about! good for you for sticking to your guns and waiting for the sale! That was how much I paid for mine I think but mine is used! haha that is a serious steal. I am So glad you found it Rachel!!! And I loved how you paired it with peach.

The House of Shoes

Bridgette Nicole said...

I LOVE this skirt! I got the peplum shirt made from the same material from there! Seriously the cutest thing ever!! :)

Marsa said...

geeez you have some serious faith lady. i could never wait that long for something i wanted that much. self-control in perfection right there.
oh and of course, you look very cute :)

The DayLee Journal

inventedromance said...

Best feeling ever! I'm seriously so happy for you ahahha what a great shopping tale


Chandra said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I love shopping stories like that! Yahoo!

More Modern Modesty

Angela said...

This is a great outfit. Love that skirt paired with the blush cardi and ankle boots.
Method Clothe

Amanda Schroeder said...

That is the BEST FEELING EVER! Loving the skirt.

amanda @ we and serendipity

Rachel said...

That is the happiest skirt story ever! I love happily ever after clothing stories like that!

Lindsey A. Turner said...

so pretty! I love this outfit! I did pastels on my blog today too! They look so pretty against the snow!


Eden Marie said...

that skirt if freakin' fabulous!! so envious. :D

Ellee said...

AH! Rachel! First - I'm so glad I inspired my fashion idol at least with one article of clothing! Second - that was seriously so helpful and I LOVED all of your advice. I totally mix up my outfits way more now, you'd be proud of me. And I copy yours a ton... Third - thanks for another outfit inspiration! It's an adorable outfit! :)

Marli said...

(jaw drops) FIVE DOLLARS??? That's so amazingly cool!! And it looks absolutely gorgeous on you.


Emily Beth said...

I love the skirt and the color of the sweater is gorgeous on you!

xo Emily Beth

Unknown said...

you're the cutest.
end of story.

and i am almost certain i saw you at smiths last week. and kind of stalked you - and then couldn't determine if it was actually you...and then you were gone. fail.


CC said...

Great story! Love that skirt and so glad you found it for such a great price. ;)

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

oh why thank you, Jessica! you are so sweet :)

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

aw Maggie that is so kind, thanks!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

thanks Rochelle!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

yeah that may be it! My hair changes colors all the time, it's weird!

saturday? lunch? yeah?


Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

oh, NG I love you :)

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

haha thanks Sara!!!! ;) We both got pretty lucky!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

totally saw that!!!!! it was way cute too!!!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

hahahha. basically i just didn't want my husband to be upset that i bought more clothes (he thinks i already have too many ha). Thanks Marsa! Arigatou :)

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

hahaah thanks girl! ;)

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

haha me too! the best kind ;)

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

aw thanks Angela! so sweet.

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

thanks Amanda!!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

haha yeah it really was a happy ending! Thanks for the comment, Rach!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

yes they do! totally gonna check out your blog!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

haha thanks Eden! run to F21 now!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

haha Ellee you are fabulous! you totally inspire me :) I loved hanging with ya, girl! Youuuu are adorable! double soon?!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

awww thanks Mar!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

you're so sweet, Emily! Thanks!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

was most definitely me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish we would have chatted!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

thanks CC! :D

Lisa - respect the shoes said...

Ah, the five dollar skirt - it was meant to be!

Julie said...

FATE!! I love this skirt story! I also love F21's extra-50%-off-sale-stuff sale. You look amazing in that skirt. It was so meant to be!

xoxo, Julie @ OBSESSED

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

hahahha yes! really tho

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

it IS THE BEST! Thanks for the love, Julie!

nicole s. said...

i love this skirt! i have a really similar one from loft with the same pattern, but the shiny part isn't really shiny and is more silverish thread on mine. i love yours so much. it's like the perfect rachel skirt!
ps. i've always thought your hair was red! you have the best hair ever.

Sharon Lei said...

Ha ha ha ha... I Love how you turned your quest for the perfect little gold skirt into a fun quirky story. :)) The skirt looks amazing on you. Definitely a great find! Hope you're having a delightful day, hun.

xx Love & Aloha

ShanaEmily said...

Love this outfit, love the skirt, more importantly I love the story! I am always up for a good hunt and thrifty find!!! I love the snow and the colors too, was just in Park City and coming from Vegas I was loving how everything looked with snow in the background!! Love!!!!


Link Up every Monday to Thrifters Anonymous on ColorBlindBlog!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

it's pretty isn't it?! I love the vintage touch. awww thanks so much. hahaha nope my hair is brown, but my dad's side of the family has red-headed genes so even as an Asian, i got some red tints in my hair! haha


Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

aw thanks so much Sharon!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

ooh for Sundance Film Fest?? that's so fun! Thanks, Shana!

Lulu Soler said...

Very funny post and beautiful outfit! Found you through Monday Mingle. Perhaps we could follow each other?

xo Lulu

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